Monday, 21 May 2018

Last time I was saying “...must get busy in the garden…!” That was my own 
garden, but there are other gardens too.

For quite a few weeks Lisa and I have been working on our design, as once 
more CStar has been invited to contribute to Art in the Garden at the Sir 
Harold Hillier Arboretum which is in Ampfield, Romsey. 

Art in the Garden runs throughout the summer months, this year from Sunday 
12th May to Sunday 14th October (10am to 5pm for viewing).
On display throughout the Arboretum are pieces (posh word – installations) 
from UK and overseas artists and designers – and – all items are for sale. 
Just imagine one in your garden!

This year we’ve taken our inspiration from what can be found in some caves – 
stalactites and stalacmites. We’ve called the pieces “Shards” with the internal 
or underdesign based on our Tutti Frtti range.

Here’s a couple of pictures taken in the Arboretum to give you a taster.

Last year our colours were predominately blue, this year predominately red, to 
fit in with our wish for a warm sunny summer
Well it worked for the Bank Holiday – come on!

But our work rarely has a break before the next event, which for us, will be 
The Garden Show in Summer at Stansted Park from Friday 8th to Sunday 10th
June 2018. It’s well worth a visit to see the gardens and there are many, 
many thngs to see and enjoy.
If there, why not drop by to our stand and have a chat? 
WE would love to see YOU.
Well, here we are back from the British Craft Trade Fair in Harrogate.
Harrogate – what a lovely, lovely place.

How did we get on? 

We had a very interesting time and lots of our 
promotional stuff was collected. 

The experienced traders say that orders can appear anything up to six months 
or more, so we should be patient, don’t expect too much too soon. We did get 
one order though.

And now, here we are back at work. 

We were very sad to hear that Rum’s Egg in Romsey had closed. It was a 
wonderfully stylish host for Arts and Crafts and they had really yummy cakes 
in the cafe upstairs. A sad loss!
Back to busy! This is a very busy time – when isn’t it? We’re doing our annual
stock take, from items made ready to sell to glass ready to cut.

Besides this, the Studio needs a Spring Clean, so that is going on hand-in-hand
with the stock take.
Phew, if that wasn’t enough, there is production work to prepare for Stansted 
Garden Fair in June.
Wonderfully sunny though isn’t it – just the tonic we needed after all that rain. 
Ah, must get busy in the garden…!